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Infinite_Volume Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)įrisk and Asriel share some very interesting drawings with Toriel. Language: English Words: 13,074 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 1 Kudos: 67 Bookmarks: 13 Hits: 15866 Flux should have known that nothing is ever that straight-forward and innocent when Sasha is involved. Unwilling to let Flux's many 'talents' go to waste, she drags him out of his home for a meet-and-greet at her bar. Language: English Words: 2,971 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 81 Bookmarks: 14 Hits: 13420įlux, after retiring from his career as a public performer and pop idol, gets hunted back down by Sasha. This is a highly-classified set of logs documenting S.H.O.T.A's first test. The technicians that produce Goliath Units have, therefore, created a male bot to stress-test the newest, biggest, and best female models. Female Goliath Units are often used to contain world-level threats of sexual over-productivity, but recently they've been coming back from missions damaged.

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New in a line of previously all-female giant robots: The S.H.O.T.A.

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